Student Agreement Form


SURG 6600 Content

American Board of Surgical Assistants (ABSA) certification instructions

Once an applicant submits their application and it is approved we will send them a review guide and an approval letter. On the approval letter will be a link that applicants can go to when they are ready to take an exam. They can take the exam whenever they are ready from their own home, we have proctors available 24/7 (they do not have to travel anywhere). They will get unofficial results (pass or fail with score report) immediately after they take exam.

ABSA helpful Links

Students will receive a free 91-page study guide once they register for the ABSA exam and will receive an outline of the exam. Please contact ABSA with any questions at or 877-617-8345.

ABSA Manual Skills Evaluation Form

Each student is required by the American Board of Surgical Assistants to submit a Manual Skills Evaluation form prior to registering for certification exam. download ABSA manual skills evalution form

Professional Liability Insurance

Professional Liability Insurance Individual Coverage through HPSO… learn more

Ascension St. Thomas Acknowledgment Form

Virtual Suturing Lab

Surgical Knot Tying Technique

Horizontal Mattress Suture Demonstration

Subcuticular Suture Technique Demonstration

Demonstration of Vertical Mattress Suture Technique

Simple Continuous Suture Technique

Arming and Holding Needle
Drivers for Suturing

Tech Support

If you are having any technical issue please submit a trouble support ticket

Student Payment

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